Sign in to your account to start a new order or manage your existing orders, or get started by registering for an account
The primary purpose of the Catering Department within the District is to provide catering service to the staff of Kaweah Delta Health Care District. Non-profit groups may schedule an event as space and services are available.
The Food & Nutrition Service Departments of the District will provide full catering for meetings of the District Board, Administration, Medical Executive Committee and Foundation without Vice President (VP) authorization. In addition Medical Staff committee meetings and Human Resource meetings do not require VP authorization. All other request for catering exceptions must be approved by the VP of the requesting department.
All requests for standing meetings are to be completed using CaterTrax on-line.
All catering events are charged to departments or areas using the service. Hospital District representatives will utilize in-house catering unless a VP authorizes otherwise or unless outside catering is more cost effective. Charges are based on the number of guests ordered not the number of guests who were serviced. When rooms are reserved with no food ordered, the group is responsible for returning the room to its original condition. If the room is not left clean and orderly, the group will be charged a fee of $30.00 per room. A minimum charge of $25 will be assessed for orders not meeting the minimum amount of $25 unless approved by the Vice President.
A catering menu is available online via CaterTrax. All catering requests must be received within the Food & Nutrition Service Department no less than 48 Hours prior to the actual occurrence of the event or meeting.
Full meal service will be limited to meetings held in any of the district facilities; downtown campus, south campus and west campus. Please call 624-5081 for pre-approval of other sites.
Catering Requests: Catering Requests can only be made using CaterTrax online. Access to CaterTrax will be granted to authorized personnel by calling the Food Service Department at Ext 2781. The on-line request form must be completed appropriately, and must be received by Food Services 48 hours prior to the event. Any changes to the original order must be done prior to 24 hours of the event.
Food & Nutrition Service requires 24 -hour notice for cancellation of a scheduled catering event. Failure to provide 24 -hour notice will result in the ordering department being charged for food cost of the event. The department/individual that ordered the event is responsible for canceling the event online using CaterTrax online.
Completion of Catering Request
A. The On-line Catering Request must contain all of the information requested including:
1. Name, telephone number, and department of individual requesting service;
2. Name, date, day, time, and location of event;
3. Number of individuals expected to attend; and,
4. Menu items requested.
B. If after the catering request form has been completed and submitted via CaterTrax Online and the information provided requires revision, i.e., number of individuals attending changes, it is the responsibility of the requester to make the change online and call Catering Reservations at (559) 624-2292 with updated information.
Cost Accounting Department catering cost reports are available from CaterTrax online. A monthly summary of the catering costs will be forwarded to the Finance Department. These costs will be transferred to the requesting departments cost center.